( commom complaints during pregnancy ).

Complaints are different from disorders , it means minor problems which is normal inspite of being bothering, may pass without treatment (unless absolutely essential and after doctor consultation) , without harm to the mother or to the baby. 

 (I will write dangerous findings in blue color)

1- Fatigue:

General tireness and prolonged sleep times.
Usually early in pregnancy due to hormonal effect.

Try not to miss your meals

2-Sense of hotness:

The skin is hot but the body temperature is  normal.
Due to hormonal effect on blood vessels to get rid of extra metabolites coming from your baby


Frequent complaint early in pregnancy,decrease in mid pregnancy.
May be of no cause
But the followings should be excluded:

Ocular strain.
High blood pressure.
Brain disorders.


paracetamol tablets 3times/day.

4-Excessive salivation :

Some women ingest starch in pregnancy which stimulate salivary gland.

Most of times there is no cause ,due to change in carbohydrate metabolism , or due to nausea and colonic disturbance.

It distresses the women but no harm unless:

Women eat only starch,which is not enough as a food for the baby and the mother.

Prevent the women from drinking suitable amounts of fluids which is so important for the kidney of the pregnant women .


Belladonna extract  8: 15 mg 4 times daily.


Craving of pregnant women  for strange food and non food ( ice- starch-clay---).

It is legend that if the mother doesn't eat what she is craving for the baby will be at risk, and it had an old story,

If those mothers develop medical complications this craving is decreased.

It's found to severe in women with severe iron deficiency anemia which when treated this craving is decreased.

Its harm come from:

 #May be from severe iron deficiency anemia.

 # If strange items are dominant in the food this will affect the
baby and the mother's health,so the importance of balanced food must be explained to these women.

 Nausea and vomiting:

Common during first 3 month till 14 or 22 weeks.

Usually in the morning but may continue all the day
Due to increase pregnancy hormones as HCG and estrogen.


 Small frequent meals.

Smelly food should be avoided.

Sometimes vitamin B6 usually helps.

Rarely the vomiting is so severe to cause dehydration , electrolyte imbalance , Acid base disturbance and those are serious complications.


Reflux of stomach contents which is acidic in nature into esophagus due to compression on the stomach and relaxation of lower esophageal sphincter.

May be because of stomach inflammation or ulcer.


Small frequent meals.

Avoid bending and lying flat.

Antacid.(avoid antacids with sodium, as it causes water and sodium retention and edema.

If no response consult your doctor.


Constipation is common due to:

Compression of the colon by by the uterus or presenting part.
Prolonged colonic movement due to progesterone.


Increase fluid intake.

Daily exercise.
Mild laxatives (bulk producing substances - or stool softening agents ).

Piles and anal fissures:

Started by varicosities.
Pregnancy causes increase and recurrence of hemorrhoids.
This lead to pain , swelling , prolapse of rectal mucosa , bleeding and painful fissure.

Due to:
Increase pressure in rectal vein by uterus.

Treat constipation.
Topical anesthetics.
Topical decongestant creams.
Rectal thrombosis causes severe pain and can be evacuated by incision under local anesthesia by the doctor .

 Frequent micturation:

Due to compression of the bladder by the uterus or presenting part.
Vascular engorgement and hormonal changes alter bladder function.

Dysuria or hematuria are signs of infection which demand urine analysis , culture and sensitivity.

Breast soreness:

Engorgement may cause discomfort early and late in pregnancy.

Well fitted bra. and ice bags will relieve the pain.


In the pregnant women the heavy abdomen forces the women to throw her shoulders back and her he head forwards to keep the balance this causes low backache (lumber lordosis ).

Minor degree of backache follows exercise , strain , bending , lifting objects , walking , fatigue.

Backache increases when pregnancy advances , when there is obesity and depends on pre-pregnant state.

Sometimes there is muscle spasm or tenderness.

Pregnant women may develop pregnancy associated osteoporosis with severe backache and limb pain.

Sometimes in severe pain with complete inability to walk, there is associated congenital , anatomical , traumatic effects.


Correction of the posture.

2-inch heel will keep the shoulders forwards , decrease lordosis so the pain will decrease.

Exercise to strengthen the back muscles.

Squatting better than  bending.

Support the back with pillow while sitting.

Hot packs and rubs relax the muscle.

If muscle spasm and tenderness  (analgesics , heat , rest).

In congenital , anatomical disorders ( girdle and complete rest ).

Joints pain:

Hormones of pregnancy relaxes joints and permits some movement in pelvic bones,so pregnant women got unstable pelvis and which causes pain.


Special belts around the hips to fix the pelvis with bed rest.

Hand pain:

Periodic tingling and numbness .The feet are never involved.

Drooping of the shoulders during pregnancy leads to traction on the nerve plexus in the neck.

Carpal tunnel syndrome with pressure on hand nerves.

Most commom at night and early in the morning.

It may progress to partial anesthesia.

May continue after labor due to lifting and carrying the baby.

Leg  cramps:

Due to reduced calcium level or increase phosphorus level.


Decrease calcium phosphate and take calcium carbonate or lactate.

Alumium hydroxide gel 8ml  3times/day before meals increase calcium absorption and decrease phosphorus absorption.

Leg massage.

local heat.

Gentle flextion of the feet.

Avoid pointing of toes when she streches her legs on awaking in the morning.

Vit B12 helps.


In dependant , due to obstruction of venous return from the legs  by the gravid uterus, fluid retention under effect of pregnancy hormones.


Elevation of the leg in lateral position will improve the blood circulation.

No diuretics.

Exclude hypertention and toxemia of pregnancy.

Varicose veins:

In legs or vulva.

Usually runs in families.

Due to pressure of the large uterus on venous return from the legs.

Superficial veins may be accompanied by deep varicos veins.

Examination of deep viens is a must.


Elevation of the legs.

Elastic stocking.

No surgical  or injection in pregnancy.


Increase  vaginal discharge due to increase mucous secreation of the cervical glands by the effect of estrogen hormone.

It is anormal finding.

If  profuse and bothering  use 2cups of water with drops of vineger to be mildly acidic.

Exclude infection.