pregnancy month by month ( fifth month )

5th month

What is normal and what is abnormal

More fetal kicks to be felt makes you more near to your baby

More enlargement of your abdomen

More strech marks ( red and purple lines on abdomen thighs and breasts ) and more itchy skin
  It depends on
*skin color ---dark colored skin has less strech marks 
*weight gain

More backache due to increase weight and more effort to adjust balance

Nausea is decreased but heartburn increases due to pressure effect from the uterus

Decreased fatigue , more stable mood , less tender breast

What to do and what not to do

Take more rest to keep your energy saved for your baby

Adjust your weight gain as too much weight gain may cause diabetes , hypertention and lare baby with hard labor
anl too little weight gain gives small baby

Never to make diet to lose weight while pregnant
Eat well a healthy food you feel better and have a healthy baby

Try to gain about 2 : 3 kg in the first 3 month
then half kg every week for average weight women
and half kg every 2 weeks in over weight women

To decrease backache
 *wear comfortable shoes
 *Sleep on left side
 *Sit on comfortable chairs
 *Use hot packs on lower back
 *Bend your knees when lifting heavy objects

Better to sleep on your left side to improve the circulation and to decrease dizziness by reliefing pressure over the vessles

If your baby is a boy try to decrease soy bean and sesame as they have estrogen like effect which increases the baby breast size and hypospadius

How my baby looks

Organs continue to grow
More frequent kicks
The body is coverd by soft hair and cream to protect him from long contact with amniotic fluid

After one week ( 100 g --19 cm )
Opening of vagina and anus are present
Meconium in bowel
Heart muscle are developed

After one week (half pregnancy )(350 gm)
Kidny is bean shapped and in its place
Testis and ovaries are in their places
The brain grows more
Can swallow
Teeth start to appear

After one week (22cm --450 g )
Fat layer is developed
Eye lids are closed
Hiccup starts as practicing to the lung

How my baby looks like in the sonar